This is my favorite time of year. I love having a house full of family and friends for Thanksgiving.  I love the food, fire in the fireplace, conversations, good wine and a day set aside to give thanks for all that is.
As a major gift fundraiser especially, Thanksgiving is a great day for you to pause and be grateful for the work you are fortunate to do.  Having been involved in fundraising now for over 23 years I still can’t believe I get to do this work everyday.
The idea that my work is directly making a positive impact on our world is overwhelming.  It brings Richard and me great joy.  In fact, Richard and I talk all the time about how blessed we are.
You, too, have much to be thankful for:  the relationships you have with donors, with those who are carrying out your mission on a daily basis, with your colleagues, and the simple fact that you have a job that makes such an impact on our world.
Here is a great quote by John Milton that I love:

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.

I love that.  Gratitude leads us to moments of awe.
So, before you have to get prepared for the Thanksgiving meal or sit in front of the television to watch football or Planes, Trains and Automobiles (my favorite), take some time to reflect on all that is gift in your life, for the work you are privileged to carry out everyday and those people who have enriched your life.
Richard and I would especially like to thank you for giving us such great encouragement and insight for the writing of Passionate Giving.  We hope it’s been helpful to you.
Note: Due to the holiday, our next blog post will be on Monday.  We’ll all be ready to crank it back up as we gear up for the final run to the end of the year!
Happy Thanksgiving!