Reason #2: Non-Profits do not treat their donors as partners, but as sources of cash.
My last post was mainly about how non-profits generally do not evaluate their major gift programs using the right metrics—namely attrition rates.
Well, now I want to start talking about why attrition rates are so high with major gift programs.
There is a LOT of talk in the non-profit sector about partnership with donors.  But in my experience it’s mostly TALK.  Usually when I present to non-profits and I’m in front of their board and executive leadership team I see a lot of nodding heads when I talk about partnership with donors.
“Oh yes,” they say, “We really do value our donors and see them as partners, that’s not a problem with us.”  Then I ask them some questions:

  1. Do you know what [specific donor] is passionate about and why they give to you?
  2. When was the last time you invited one of your major donors to participate in one of your planning sessions?
  3. Do you know the significant dates in your donor’s life?
  4. Do you know their business?
  5. Do you know their hobbies?
  6. When was the last time you talked to one of your major donors at length that had nothing to do with asking for a gift?
  7. When was the last time you surprised a donor and did something nice for them?
  8. When was the last time you reported on a specific project they funded and had the project leader contact them to give them an update?
  9. When was the last time you saw an article about one of your donors and commented on it to them?

These are the kind of questions I ask.  The answers are usually disappointing…and the heads start to hang low.
I’m now going to say something completely radical. HALF of the time and energy your non-profit spends should be about nurturing and cultivating your donors.
“But, there is no way we could do that, we have a mission to carry out,” you say. And my response is that half your mission should be about your donors.  If you could pull that off, the other half of your mission would flourish.  Trust me.

Series Details: 10 Reasons Why Most Major Gift Programs Suck!
Intro and #1: Development Directors review the WRONG criteria for success.
Reason #2: Non-Profits do not treat their donors as partners, but as sources of cash.
Reason #3: The Relationship between Development and Program is Broken
Reason #4: Wrong People Hired as Major Gift Officers
Reason #5: Lack of Management and Accountability
Reason #6: No Marketing Plan for EACH Donor on the Caseload
Reason #7: We Don’t Take the Time to Understand a Donor’s Passion
Reason #8: Most Non-Profits are NOT donor-centered.
Reason #9: We Don’t Tell Donors How They Made a Difference.
Reason #10: Money Becomes the Objective, not the Result.