Question of the Month
How often should a fundraiser refresh a major gift caseload?
Learn how to focus your time on the right donors.
Use the simple form below to get our free White Paper, "Tiering Donors to Create Focused Caseloads."
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a Few FAQs We Get a Lot
How many on a caseload?
Your caseload of donors should be made of no more than 150 donors who have expressed interest in interacting with you. At this level, you can make individualized plans work – and it's worth it.
How often do I add/remove donors?
Depending on your organization, you may be accepting new donors regularly as they reach your metrics, and you'll keep working to qualify them. But you should do a thorough review at least twice a year.
What happens to donors I take off?
You should have a direct mail program (and hopefully a mid-level program) that works with donors below your threshold. Make sure to pass them on thoughtfully and respectfully.
What do I do with new donors I add?
Each donor needs a plan and a goal, so you know where you're aiming for with each relationship. Check out our White Paper on the subject if you need ideas.
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