Why MGOs Should NOT Prospect

The subject of prospecting in major gifts always causes a bit of controversy anytime Jeff and I talk about it. I suppose the reason so many pro-prospecting people get mad at us for taking a no-prospect stand is that they truly believe the illusion that “there is just...

What Good Does an MGO Do?

“So, tell me, Richard.  What good are those MGOs doing when all I see on the reports is that some of the money they received was motivated by direct mail, some of it was motivated by that event we had, some of it came in white mail and this other little portion came...

The Caseload and New Donor Conflict

You have 150 qualified donors on your caseload and you’ve been told not to exceed that amount.  You are assigned a specific geography.  This means that your job is to serve the donors in your area. But now, because of an effective direct marketing program, there are...

Relationships or Numbers: Which Do You Care About?

“All you care about is the numbers!  Relationships really don’t matter to you!” or “All you care about is relationship.  We DO need to secure our budgeted revenue, you know?  The numbers do matter!” These two statements – these two positions – came into sharp...