Why are nonprofits losing up to half of their planned gifts?
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Question of the Month
How do you report back on non-direct impact?
Reporting back is THE key in retaining your donors. In fact, when asked why a donor has stopped giving, one of the top reasons is that the donor didn't know the impact of their gift.

When it comes to reporting back, it can feel a bit more obvious if you work for an organization that's providing meals, housing, or another tangible program. But what if the impact of your work is not as direct?
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are  a few FAQs we get on this topic
What should I do if I can’t get an update from Program? 
This starts with building a culture of philanthropy and developing buy-in from your team. You need to communicate and educate your team on their role in the donor relationship, the importance of reporting back, and what you need to do this. You also need to build a collaborative relationship with your team. If you’re struggling to get an update, take time to speak to your team about what they can give you. Even just a story or progress update is valuable to the donor; it doesn’t have to be a fancy marketing piece to be effective!
I have a donor that’s not gotten an update and gave their gift months (or years) ago. What do I do?
It’s never too late to share the impact, but you also may need to rebuild the relationship. Be open and honest about the fact that you didn’t share an impact or that a ball got dropped. Share what you can and then commit to more regular and prompt reporting.
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