Rejection doesn’t feel good, but don’t get discouraged by it. Rather, use it as a tool to focus and learn from.
Passionate Giving BlogTM
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How to Deal with an Onion Donor
Without the right strategy, working with an onion donor can be maddening. Here are eight points to keep in mind when it comes to onion donors.
Patience is Revolutionary
When you slow your fundraising down so that you can develop relationships with your donors, you will raise much more revenue in the long term.
The Four Steps to Better Donor Meetings Begin with You
How you hold space during donor meetings impacts everything! Operate from a grounded place of confidence by bringing your best energy into the room.
It’s Not About You
Good fundraising means that your interactions with donors are centered on the donor – not on you or your organization’s effectiveness.
A Bad Culture is Ruining Your Non-Profit
A non-profit organization fails to create a culture of philanthropy when leadership fails to involve the entire organization in the process.