In case you missed it, here’s a recap of our latest podcast episodes, webinars, and more resources to help you raise more revenue for your mission!

NEW Podcast Episode:

Practical Tips for Facilitating a Donor Meeting

Everyone wants to have an effective and successful donor meeting. But that’s a lot easier said than done. Not only are you there to learn more about your donor’s passions so you can help match those with your organization’s programs, but you must also keep the meeting on track. This is a real skill that requires some practice.

How do you act as a facilitator so that everyone is on the same page about the purpose of the meeting and leaves feeling like their time was well-used?

In this podcast episode, Karen and Matt share their top tips for how fundraisers can successfully facilitate a donor meeting using our Permission-Based Asking™ model. We hope you takeaway some new strategies to implement as you approach your next donor meeting. Listen here.


The Hidden Problem That’s Costing Non-Profits Thousands (or Maybe Millions!) of Dollars

Donor attrition (and donor value attrition) remains a hidden problem for most non-profits. You may be losing more revenue (and ultimately, losing more major gifts) than you thought. While donor giving totals may go up or stay steady year-over-year, many donors are giving less or they’ve stopped giving altogether. Most organizations don’t even realize that this is happening, because the gap is covered up by gifts from new donors.

In this webinar, Jeff shares how we’ve diagnosed this problem in hundreds of data files and how you can take action to address your donor attrition rates. Watch the replay here.

NEW Podcast Episode:

How Mid-Level and Direct Response Can Partner Together

Building a partnership between mid-level and direct response is crucial to your organization’s success. Yet many organizations are missing out on opportunities to align these groups in a way that will strengthen the donor pipeline.

What are the barriers preventing mid-level and direct response from coordinating their donor outreach, and how can you best promote collaboration between these two teams?

In this podcast episode, Jeff is joined by special guests Becca Burgess, VP of Client Services at Moore, and Kara Ansotegui, Senior Director of Leadership Annual Giving at the American Cancer Society, for a conversation about creating a partnership between mid-level and direct response that will result in stronger relationships with donors at every stage of giving. Listen here.


Asking the Right Questions: How to Deepen Your Donor Relationships

In our analysis of hundreds of donor files, we’ve found some common trends that may be making it difficult to create meaningful relationships with your donors. How do you develop the kind of trust that leads to long-term partnership with your donors?

Join us for this free webinar featuring Karen Kendrick (Senior Director of Client Engagement) and our client guest, Jarrod Williams (Director of Development, Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh), for a conversation about how to ask the right questions and approach your donor conversations in a way that will inspire deeper connections. Grab your spot here.

FREE Resource:

Request a Free Donor File Assessment

How well are your mid-level and major gift programs performing? Do you know what your year-over-year donor value attrition rates are? Given your current program growth, do you know where you’ll be in five years? If you’re not sure, don’t worry! In our experience, most non-profit fundraisers, managers, and leaders can’t confidently answer these questions. That’s why we’ve developed our FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Donor Assessment. This comprehensive assessment will provide you with specific information around donor attrition rates, donor value attrition, program growth, and how many people you need to hire to grow effectively.

There’s absolutely no obligation to work with us, and you’ll learn the key steps to take to grow your fundraising program. Are you ready to get started? Head over here to request your FREE Donor Assessment today.


Looking for more? Check out all our available resources here, or we’d love to see you at one of our upcoming webinars!