Fall is a time for recalibration. Nature teaches us that all things grow and thrive if they allow for the seasons and cycles of life. We are not machines. Yet, many times, we think we are. We run at full neck speed until we breakdown. But at what cost?!

Sometimes, we need a pause button, and Fall provides us with an opportunity to check in with where we are and where we want to go. With the cooling temperatures, soft light, and time spent outdoors, Fall is the perfect interval for you to connect with your “why” before all the busyness of the holiday season hits.

Pausing to reconnect to why you love your mission will refill your cup, giving you more energy, passion, and resilience in the months ahead.

And when meeting with donors over the next few months, if you’re coming from a passion for your mission versus a pressure to raise money, you’ll be able to have a more authentic partnership with your donors. Remember, you are the bridge connecting your donor’s heart to your mission and offering interesting, and sometimes bold, ways for them to be involved and contribute.

In the busyness and pressures of every day, it can be so easy to live in your head. You forget that your heart loves and has a passion for your mission.

Let’s take a pause and reconnect:

  • Just as I’m sitting on my front porch on this early crisp Fall morning, listening to John Coltrane with a strong cup of coffee, you should choose a space that brings you peace and joy. It might be your favorite spot on the couch with a cozy blanket, fire, and cup of something warm. Or maybe it’s taking a hike and sitting on a boulder along a rushing river. Choose a place that replenishes your energy.
  • Take some time to process the questions below. You might be someone who likes to think things through in your own head or find it helpful to journal. If so, bring a journal to write down your thoughts. Set your timer to free write – allowing yourself to write anything that comes to mind in response to the question without editing – for two minutes for each question. In doing this, you can access more of your subconscious and heart.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What first brought you to this organization?
  • What has been one of the most meaningful moments working there?
  • What about the mission do you particularly love? Why?
  • What motivates you about your mission?
  • How does your mission connect with your core values?
  • What is your organization’s unique approach to solving the problem your mission addresses?
  • How much do you understand about the cause of the need you serve?
  • What program do you know the most about? Least about?
  • What do you want to learn more about?
  • What articles or books will deepen your understanding of the cause of the problem your mission solves?
  • Particularly, if you do not have the lived experience of the population your organization serves, what are some ways you can connect to the wisdom, resilience, and strength they possess?

Now that you’ve asked questions and pondered your answers, take time to create an action plan:

  • Identify which program(s) you need to visit? Why?
  • Choose the program person with which you should set up a lunch discussion or tour.
  • Identify materials and conversations to deepen your learning.
  • Put these tasks on your calendar and block that time.

Your mission. The work of your organization is transformative and healing not only to those you serve, but to you having the privilege to do meaningful work, and to your donors who get to make a difference in the world through their resources. All of us need inspiration, healing, and hope. All of us need to learn, grow, and step into all that we can be. My hope for you is that connecting to your passion for your mission will fill up your heart, feed your soul, and bring you the strength you need today.
