Nonprofits want donors to give toward their programs. But how can you break down the budget into the proper detail, AND cover overhead? And how can you have this prepared before you need it?
Click here for the Free Whitepaper, "Packaging Program for Donors"
Question of the Month
Richard explains the Donor Impact Portfolio
Nonprofits want donors to give toward their programs. But how can you break down the budget into the proper detail, AND cover overhead? And how can you have this prepared before you need it?
Click here for the Free Whitepaper, "Packaging Program for Donors"
When you fill out the form below, we'll help you...
By telling you more about the Portfolio creation process
By talking through how this could be helpful to your organization
By preparing a presentation to other decision-makers who might consider bringing Veritus in to help.
When you fill out the form below, we'll help you...
By telling you more about the Portfolio creation process
By talking through how this could be helpful to your organization
By preparing a presentation to other decision-makers about bringing Veritus in to help.