Question of the Month
We all have our unique passions and interests where we focus our time and energy to make the world a better place. Your donors are no different. Their passions and interests drive their giving. But what is the driver behind their passions and interests?
When you know the story behind your donor’s interest in your program, you’ll be able to create offers that speak to your donor’s specific experience and passion for the mission. That’s where the magic happens.
Want to learn more? Check out our course: Discovering Your Donor's Passions & Interests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a couple of FAQs we get on this topic
How do I ask donors about their reason for giving?
First, be curious. You know your donor has a passion for the program – they’ve been giving for X years, but maybe you’ve never really dug into why this issue matters to them. Get to know your donor on a deeper level. You could say something like, “David, you’ve given so generously to this program over the past X years. Would you mind if I ask, what got you interested in our mission to [provide housing for the homeless]?” (Of course, insert your own mission statement. This is important, as it’s a reminder to your donor about the problem they care about.) Then pause and listen to what they tell you.
When I ask about their motivation for giving, my donor gives a vague answer like, “Oh, I just think your organization is so great! You’re doing such important work.”
It’s possible your donor does not have a personal story behind their giving. Or maybe they aren’t ready to share it. If your donor does not offer a reason for their giving, it’s still an opportunity to dig deeper. Build on their response: “Oh, that’s wonderful! Is there something our organization has done that really stood out to you?” Or, “Can you tell me, what’s something you would hope to accomplish through your giving?” While not yet getting at the personal driver, you’re starting to get to know your donor better. Remain curious, and you may come to understand more about them as the relationship deepens.