3 min read
Do You Qualify Mid-Level Donors?
As you may already know, part of the Veritus Way of major gifts is to make sure you ONLY have qualified donors in your portfolio. (You can learn more about our major gifts qualification process...
3 min read
As you may already know, part of the Veritus Way of major gifts is to make sure you ONLY have qualified donors in your portfolio. (You can learn more about our major gifts qualification process...
4 min read
Today’s Client Corner article features an interview with Maureen Gregory, Director of Leadership Gifts for Freestore Foodbank. As Maureen Gregory tells it, she “fell into fundraising.”
8 min read
More and more non-profits are discovering that a mid-level program is the key to a healthy donor pipeline. If you’re wondering where to find more major donors, the answer is almost always: look to...
4 min read
In our last blog, Lisa Robertson shared the top five reasons leaders fear starting a mid-level program. I can’t let that go by without also sharing some concrete examples of how I’ve seen...
Twice monthly, Richard and Jeff address current topics and classic problems in major gift fundraising.