2 min read
A Donor Offers to Give You Twice What You Expected
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
2 min read
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
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I recently renovated my home office. What a project. Just getting ready took a full week. I moved everything out and committed to purging and not bringing anything back in that I didn’t use or love....
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You probably know how large companies recruit junior executives fresh from a college MBA program. The outsider’s perception is that management immediately gives all new MBAs a beautiful office,...
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Sometime in the next several years, most major gift officers, like you, will leave your non-profit to work for someone else. In fact, today you and your colleagues are moving from one non-profit to...
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After 15+ years at Veritus helping non-profits increase their revenue from major gifts (meaning mid, major and planned giving) we’ve learned that the number one element for success is great manager...
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When Richard asked me if I wanted to join his major gift consultancy back in 2009, he had already established the backbone of the strategy, structure, and process of what we now call The Veritus Way...
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Recently, we shared on Facebook and our other social media about a free white paper of ours called, “Six Secrets to Becoming an Extraordinary Major Gift Officer.” One of the six secrets is that if...
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How do you take a donor that a mid-level gift officer has been working with and hand him over to a major gift officer? Our team at Veritus gets this question all the time, because not only do we help...
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I talk to many major gift officers, development professionals and non-profit executives every week. Perhaps it’s the time of year, or the stage in their careers, but I’m hearing from a large portion...
Twice monthly, Richard and Jeff address current topics and classic problems in major gift fundraising.