2 min read
A Donor Offers to Give You Twice What You Expected
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
2 min read
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
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I recently renovated my home office. What a project. Just getting ready took a full week. I moved everything out and committed to purging and not bringing anything back in that I didn’t use or love....
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You probably know how large companies recruit junior executives fresh from a college MBA program. The outsider’s perception is that management immediately gives all new MBAs a beautiful office,...
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Sometime in the next several years, most major gift officers, like you, will leave your non-profit to work for someone else. In fact, today you and your colleagues are moving from one non-profit to...
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After 15+ years at Veritus helping non-profits increase their revenue from major gifts (meaning mid, major and planned giving) we’ve learned that the number one element for success is great manager...
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When Richard asked me if I wanted to join his major gift consultancy back in 2009, he had already established the backbone of the strategy, structure, and process of what we now call The Veritus Way...
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Recently, we shared on Facebook and our other social media about a free white paper of ours called, “Six Secrets to Becoming an Extraordinary Major Gift Officer.” One of the six secrets is that if...
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Are you having a hard time finding frontline fundraising talent? You’re not the only one. We’re hearing from our clients how difficult it is finding people to respond to job postings and recruitment...
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When you think about “donor service,” what does that look like, for you and for your organization? I’ve talked with countless fundraisers and non-profit leaders who don’t see the value of exceptional...
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How do you take a donor that a mid-level gift officer has been working with and hand him over to a major gift officer? Our team at Veritus gets this question all the time, because not only do we help...
Twice monthly, Richard and Jeff address current topics and classic problems in major gift fundraising.