2 min read
A Donor Offers to Give You Twice What You Expected
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
2 min read
There were two events last month I want to tell you about.
2 min read
No matter how long you’ve been following Veritus Group, you’ve probably heard us encourage you to adopt “The Veritus Way” of major gift fundraising. But what exactly does that mean?
4 min read
One of the privileges I have in my work is that I get to review every donor assessment that we do. Over the last 15 years, I’ve reviewed well over a 1,000 of them. I love reviewing them because it...
1 min read
Okay, you’re in it. This is probably the most stressful time of the year with your work. Well, I guess if you add on all the holidays and all that goes with it, it feels like piling on.
4 min read
I was told about this experiment back in 1986, and it has stuck with me all these years. A teacher was given false information about the IQ and abilities of her classroom students. This changed her...
2 min read
Complaints about board members never seem to stop. To list: “I can’t get my board members to solicit donors.” “My board won’t come to events and talk to donors about what we do.”
4 min read
If I told you, “You’re a winner!” How would that sit with you? Would it make you feel uncomfortable? Like a fraud? Unsure if you deserved it? So many of us have a messy relationship with success and...
2 min read
This blog post is the fifth in a series of six titled, “The House Your Donor Lives In.”
1 min read
Every non-profit organization I’ve encountered has some kind of barrier that prevents a donor from freely giving to their heart’s content to that organization.
3 min read
When we talk about The Veritus Way™, we’re referring to our proven approach and structure for relational fundraising that’s focused on making meaningful connections with your donors. But does The...
Twice monthly, Richard and Jeff address current topics and classic problems in major gift fundraising.