In case you missed it, here’s a recap of our latest podcast episodes, webinars, and more resources to help you raise more revenue for your mission!

NEW Podcast Episode:

What to Do When You Inherit a Caseload

Many fundraisers aren’t starting their caseloads from scratch – they’re inheriting a donor caseload that was previously managed by someone else. Whether you’re a new hire, or you’re moving into a new role within the same organization and taking on a new caseload, this transition can be complicated.

How do you introduce yourself to these donors who already know your organization, but not you?

In this episode, Matt Gill and Diana Frazier offer steps you can take to help you navigate this transition depending on the specifics of your situation. We hope these tips will help you feel more confident about stepping into your new role in a way that honors the donor and strengthens their connection to your organization! Listen here.


Answering Your Top Questions About Mid-Level Fundraising

What’s the process for qualifying donors for mid-level? How many donors should you be moving from mid-level into major gifts? How often should you send touch points to your mid-level donors?

If you’re asking these questions, you’re not alone! These are some of the most common questions we get about mid-level fundraising, so we decided to host an entire webinar devoted to answering these questions and sharing how we coach our clients in these areas. Watch the replay here.

NEW Podcast Episode:

Measuring Metrics That Matter

Many non-profit leaders rely on metrics because it’s easier than sitting down with their frontline fundraisers each week and helping them stay focused and accountable to their strategic plan. But when your fundraising performance metrics are not aligned with building meaningful relationships with your donors, it can cause a whole host of problems.

What are the metrics that really matter in fundraising, and how can managers best support their teams to stay on track with those key performance goals?

In this podcast episode, Jeff is joined by Matt and Debi for a conversation about the metrics that truly matter for your fundraising success and how we approach these metrics in our coaching work with fundraisers. Listen here.


Three Things Fundraisers Must Do This Summer

Fundraising in the summer can be challenging, but the season also offers more flexibility than you might have at other times. There’s probably less activity at your organization, and many of your donors are on vacation. This can give you the time to be really creative about making an impact on your caseload throughout the rest of the year.

In this free webinar, Jeff and Diana shared several tips for how to maximize your efforts this summer to deepen your relationships with your donors. Watch the replay here.

FREE Resource:

Request a Free Donor File Assessment

How well are your mid-level and major gift programs performing? Do you know what your year-over-year donor value attrition rates are? Given your current program growth, do you know where you’ll be in five years? If you’re not sure, don’t worry! In our experience, most non-profit fundraisers, managers, and leaders can’t confidently answer these questions. That’s why we’ve developed our FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Donor Assessment. This comprehensive assessment will provide you with specific information around donor attrition rates, donor value attrition, program growth, and how many people you need to hire to grow effectively.

There’s absolutely no obligation to work with us, and you’ll learn the key steps to take to grow your fundraising program. Are you ready to get started? Head over here to request your FREE Donor Assessment today.


Looking for more? Check out all our available resources here, or we’d love to see you at one of our upcoming webinars!