Over the last three years, I’ve had a trainer to help me with strength, conditioning, core work, etc. So, twice a week, I work out with Tony in his basement, so that when I’m 80, I don’t have to end up immobile.

I hate it. It’s hard work.

I mean, after the workout, when I’m walking to my car, I love it. But these workouts are painful.

Now, since I travel quite a bit, I miss many of my workouts with Tony. But what I do instead is, when I check into a hotel, I go to the gym, take pictures of what workout equipment they have, and send it to him. Then, based on what’s available, he texts me back a workout.

Then, he does one last thing, that really makes me mad.

He tells me I must send him a picture or video of me working out to prove that I actually did the workout.

And this is why I continue to pay Tony for helping me stay fit.

I mean, I could, after three years, do all the workouts on my own. I know the exercises; I know the theory about what I’m doing, but what Tony does for me is keep me accountable so that I actually do the work.

For many years, I thought the word “accountability” was a curse word. I hated the thought of someone checking up on me. I thought accountability was the opposite of freedom. Until I met Richard Perry.

Richard (who is the Founder of Veritus Group) is someone who taught me that if we didn’t have people in our life who held us accountable, both at work and at home, we end up going sideways. And even more enlightening was the fact that when I was held accountable to plans and goals I set, I actually found MORE freedom because I had a plan, and I knew where I was going.

Accountability is the bedrock of The Veritus Way of doing mid-level, major gifts, and planned giving.

Because once you have a plan and goal, if no one is following up with you, asking how you’re doing and giving you guidance, you will go sideways.

Over the years we’ve had our share of frontline fundraisers who really dislike (maybe I could say, hate) being held accountable. They will put up a real fight and if their manager isn’t fully on board with Veritus, it rarely works.

But, if the manager says, “Hey, this is why we brought Veritus here, to help you stay on track and work the plan,” over time, in every situation, the frontline fundraiser comes back and tells us, “I’m so glad you helped me stay with it and held me accountable. I’m much happier in my job than ever.”

And not only are they happier, but they’re much more successful in developing relationships with donors and bringing in more net revenue for the organization.

So, think about how well you receive accountability. If you put up a fight (like I did), ask yourself why and see if you can allow yourself to have someone speak truth into your life and help guide your work. It will set you free, it will help you find more joy in your work, and you’ll be much more successful as a fundraiser.
