We Need You!As you may know, Richard and I have been writing the Passionate Giving Blog for over nine years. Three times a week, we write to try to give you insights and help related to mid-level and major gift fundraising, and now, planned giving. We hope you find it helpful.
Over the years, we’ve often heard from you or your colleagues with suggested ideas or topics we should cover in this blog. Those have been very helpful. Our goal is to provide a blog that will help you do your job well and inspire you in all you do.
Since we’re still in January, Richard and I would like to ask you what content you’d like covered in the blog this year? Either material we haven’t covered yet, or that you’d like to see us write more about.
We want to make sure we’re listening to you and continuing to give you the content you need to do your work even better.
Please click on this link to submit your ideas for what you’d like to see in our upcoming blogs. We really appreciate your feedback.
Thank you again for being part of the Veritus family and for all your good work that is helping make the world a better place.