Communicating Compelling Need: Your Key to Success in Major Gift Fundraising

Communicating Compelling Need: Your Key to Success in Major Gift Fundraising

“What do you want me to do and why?” the donor practically yelled.   “I don’t understand what you are saying.  And whatever you ARE saying is really not grabbing me!” And that, my friend, sums up the problem in most major gift fundraising.  We want the donor to give...
Why MGOs Should NOT Prospect

Why MGOs Should NOT Prospect

The subject of prospecting in major gifts always causes a bit of controversy anytime Jeff and I talk about it. I suppose the reason so many pro-prospecting people get mad at us for taking a no-prospect stand is that they truly believe the illusion that “there is just...
What Good Does an MGO Do?

What Good Does an MGO Do?

“So, tell me, Richard.  What good are those MGOs doing when all I see on the reports is that some of the money they received was motivated by direct mail, some of it was motivated by that event we had, some of it came in white mail and this other little portion came...
How Should You Measure MGO Performance?

How Should You Measure MGO Performance?

It is amazing to Jeff and me how often MGOs are left to wander in their jobs with no guidance and no measurement of performance.  That’s why we came up with the following MGO Performance Dashboard: If you are an MGO reading this, don’t get wound up.  This is not...
How to Sell a Business on Your Cause

How to Sell a Business on Your Cause

We were sitting in a room discussing how to approach various businesses and corporations in the community.  The DOD and several MGOs were having quite a debate about the subject, with the prevailing argument being that we should lead with a compelling need the...