Events: What are they good for?

Several months ago I was on a Skype call with a friend of mine who is a priest living in the mountains of Bolivia.  He’s working with some of the poorest people in South America.  He wanted my advice on how to raise $250,000 over the next five years to support the...

Why Agitators are Good for Us

Seth Godin reads our Passionate Giving Blog.  He must. I mean, just a couple of days after Richard posted his scathing and brilliant remarks about fundraising events , Seth wrote about what a waste galas are. Okay, perhaps he doesn’t read our blog, (it would be cool...

How Events Ruin A Major Gift Program

It is not surprising to me that many major donors do not give as they could to the causes they love.  The primary reason they don’t is because MGOs do not ask them to.  And one of the ways this happens is to invite the major donor to an event. Here’s how it works. ...