Messaging to Donors: Content Matters – Length Doesn’t

Messaging to Donors: Content Matters – Length Doesn’t

Editors love to edit. Critics love to critique. And many writers and communications folks love to make sure you keep your messaging short and to the point. There are even seminars you can attend where the presenter drones on and on about the form of the message vs....

How Events Ruin A Major Gift Program

It is not surprising to me that many major donors do not give as they could to the causes they love.  The primary reason they don’t is because MGOs do not ask them to.  And one of the ways this happens is to invite the major donor to an event. Here’s how it works. ...

How a “No” Becomes a “Yes”

I used to hate the word “no”. Everywhere I turned people were telling me no. I have to confess that I was a pretty rebellious kid.  I had trouble with authority figures, which explains why they probably had to use NO all the time with me.  But why so many “no’s”? ...