Why an MGO’s Office Hours are NOT 8 to 5

One common problem managers have with MGOs is how to manage their time. Or maybe I should say how NOT to manage their time. Some managers believe that the 8 to 5 rule for employees actually applies to MGOs. And that is how they measure productivity, loyalty, hard...

A Focus on Overhead Lowers Investments in Major Gift Fundraising

Invest More in Major Gifts! This will be the year when a solid group of enlightened non-profit organizations jump fully into the overhead discussion that is rapidly gaining traction among leaders in this sector. My question for you is this:  Are you ready to handle...

Five Metrics for Measuring Success in Major Gifts

There is quite a bit of chatter out in the marketplace about how to measure success in major gifts.  Some managers feel the whole thing is about measuring activity, i.e., what is the MGO doing?  The problem with measuring activity, while it is important, is that...

Why MGOs Should NOT Prospect

The subject of prospecting in major gifts always causes a bit of controversy anytime Jeff and I talk about it. I suppose the reason so many pro-prospecting people get mad at us for taking a no-prospect stand is that they truly believe the illusion that “there is just...