by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Feb 2, 2022 | coaching, Communication, Trust | Leadership, Management, Teamwork
This post is part-three in a four-part series titled “Reimagining the Non-Profit Workplace” What does it take to be a manager people want to work for? What are the traits in a manager that cause their staff to excel and find joy in their work? This is what I want to...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Mar 31, 2021 | Communication, donor as partner | Culture of Philanthropy, Donor-Centered
If there is one thing that this pandemic has done to donors it’s this: they are even more focused on doing good than they were before. And they’re less patient with “business as usual.” The pandemic has brought what is important into sharp focus. Donors are getting...
by Richard Perry | Mar 20, 2024 | Communication, Donor Relations, job title, Job titles | Culture of Philanthropy, Customer Service, Development Directors, Donor-Centered, Executive Directors, Jobs, Major Gift Officers, Major Gifts, Philanthropy
Jeff and I have said many times – and I think you probably agree if you’re here reading our blog – that this major gift thing is NOT about the money. In fact, when done well, fundraising is never about the money. Good fundraising is about helping donors fulfill...
by Jeff Schreifels | Jun 30, 2023 | Communication, Empathy, Management, Non-Profit Leadership | Accountability, Leadership, Management, Structure
If you’re someone who manages a team of development professionals, this post is for you. Recently I received a message from a Director of Development sincerely asking, as a new manager, how they can best support their mid-level, major gift, and planned giving...
by Richard Perry and Jeff Schreifels | Jan 22, 2020 | Communication, Empathy, leadership | Accountability, Management, Structure
If you’re someone who manages a team of development professionals, this post is for you. Recently I received a message from a Director of Development sincerely asking as a new manager how they can best support their mid-level, major gift, and planned giving officers....