Patience and Persistence: The Heartbeat of Successful Fundraising in 2024

Patience and Persistence: The Heartbeat of Successful Fundraising in 2024

Well, it’s a new year! And as we welcome the new year, it’s a time for reflection, anticipation, and, most importantly, recommitment to your core values as fundraiser. Here at Veritus Group, the stories I’ve heard over the past year from our team are both...
Do You Really Need to Host Another Fundraising Event?

Do You Really Need to Host Another Fundraising Event?

For a long time, hosting donor events and fancy galas was the be-all and end-all of fundraising. But in our post-pandemic world, it’s hard to argue that they serve anything more than a publicity function. Even before the pandemic showed how unreliable events are as a...
Client Corner: “Veritus is my go-to source for major and mid-level gift information.”

Client Corner: “Veritus is my go-to source for major and mid-level gift information.”

Today’s Client Corner article features an interview with Maureen Gregory, Director of Leadership Gifts for Freestore Foodbank. As Maureen Gregory tells it, she “fell into fundraising.” Just out of school, she was working as a waitress when a fellow restaurant...