Donors Will Not Give to Their Capacity Unless You Deal With These Two Issues

Donors Will Not Give to Their Capacity Unless You Deal With These Two Issues

There is a main reason your donor will not give to their capacity, and it seems that folks are struggling to implement a solution to this problem. Which is why I keep talking about it – see my blog from September of last year.  I’m bringing this back up again because...
10 Reasons Your Fundraising Is Not Working and What to Do About It

10 Reasons Your Fundraising Is Not Working and What to Do About It

It must be embedded in the nature of human beings that we get bored with the basic, the tried and true, the regular thing – that we always are drawn to the shiny object that catches our eye and makes an immediate impression on all those around us. What is it that...
Why Asking Boldly Hardly Ever Happens

Why Asking Boldly Hardly Ever Happens

The donor is giving $5,000 a year. She has the capacity to easily give $250,000, has the inclination, and has an expressed desire to connect more deeply with the organization. But the frontline fundraiser does not ask for more. Why? He is afraid it might offend her...
How Internal Team Dynamics & Dysfunction Derail Fundraising

How Internal Team Dynamics & Dysfunction Derail Fundraising

There is no doubt we all prefer dealing with certain types of people and not dealing with other types. I have a clear profile in my mind right now, as I am writing this, as to the type I do not like dealing with. Stop for a second. Identify yours. There is no doubt...