Non-profit Grades Itself on Performance

Non-profit Grades Itself on Performance

This is just amazing. Amazing. I have never seen anything like it, and I wanted to pass it on to you as an example of what you can do in general, and in support of major gifts, to let your donors know how their gifts are working for good. Miriam’s Kitchen, a...
The Important Back End of Major Gifts

The Important Back End of Major Gifts

One of our blog readers recently commented that many speakers, consultants and category experts write and speak a great deal about the “donor-facing” side of major gifts, but hardly anyone talks about the back end. Good point. Without a fully functional and...

Donors Want to Know It Works – #4 in Major Gifts: A Thing of the Heart

You’ve experienced it. Everyone has. In a meeting, on a call or via email, the person talking (or calling or writing) is blathering on about all the features and benefits of their favorite service or product. But you have a niggle in your mind. Something is not quite...

Donors Want to See Good Done – #3 in Major Gifts: A Thing of the Heart

It was a disturbing conversation. The donor had made a significant gift and was now asking what had resulted – what had actually happened – from that gift. A simple question. The Director of Development was caught in the corner. Anticipating a grilling from the donor,...