What If I’m Trying to Promote Better Collaboration Between Departments?
Fourth in a Six-Part Series: What Should I Do If…? Something happens in almost every non-profit where, over time, we lose focus. And as the...
3 min read
Jeff Schreifels : January 9, 2025
I love starting off a new year with goals, resolutions, and new ways of thinking. I love being inspired and pumped for the year ahead. In thinking about 2025, while there are things around me that I cannot control (and if I think about it too hard I could go down a depressing rabbit hole), I want to focus on the things that I can control.
In thinking about you and the work you do every day, there are definitely things you can control and things you cannot. I’m starting a series on three things you can do that will make a major impact on your work in 2025 and beyond. Through this series of blogs, I hope to give you some inspiration and practical suggestions to help make you, your organization, and your donors all feel connected to your mission.
This fall I’ve been talking to a lot of new client prospects. One of the challenges that seems to be happening with all of these clients across the board is a real lack of cohesion amongst the different teams and departments of the non-profit. This is not uncommon, but for all the talk our sector has done about creating a culture of philanthropy, in practice it doesn’t seem to be happening.
At Veritus, we know without a doubt that in order for mid and major gift programs to be successful, EVERYONE connected to the non-profit has to understand it and be bought into the objective of the programs. I’m talking about starting with the board, executive team, and each department; all the different facets of the development team have to appreciate, support, and care about these programs.
I realize this coming-together-as-one-team doesn’t happen overnight. It takes work. And, as a frontline fundraiser or a manager who oversees the mid and major gift teams, you can only control what you can control. But, you can make an impact on building a culture of philanthropy from your seat at the table.
Here are some suggestions that you can begin working on in 2025:
You cannot do your work in a vacuum. This is why when we start working with a new client we ask that everyone in the organization sit in on our initial training sessions so that everyone understands what we’re all intending to do with mid and major gifts and why everyone around the table is so important to its success. I guarantee that if you build those internal relationships at the beginning of 2025, your mid and major gift programs will be extremely successful.
(A three-part series to start the New Year right)
Fourth in a Six-Part Series: What Should I Do If…? Something happens in almost every non-profit where, over time, we lose focus. And as the...
Major Gift work is not easy. Yet when I read the headlines of our industry magazines and web sites, everyone seems to have either an easy way to do...
Major Gift work is not easy.Yet when I read the headlines of our industry magazines and websites, everyone seems to have either an easy way to do...