Do You Want a Great Major Gift Team? Hire a Great Manager!
After 15+ years at Veritus helping non-profits increase their revenue from major gifts (meaning mid, major and planned giving) we’ve learned that the...
When you’ve been coaching and working with major gift officers for as long as I have, you meet a lot of good ones and, unfortunately, some pretty bad ones. But throughout my career, I’ve also had the privilege of working with a handful of extraordinary MGOs.
During my conversations with them, I’ve uncovered six attributes (which I explain even further in this white paper) that make them so unique. They might seem a little unconventional and sometimes counter-intuitive, yet they are key if you want to be extraordinary at this work.
Maybe you’re looking for new talent to fill a big role, or perhaps you’re trying to develop your own skills as a major gift officer. Well, I want you to keep an eye out for individuals who consistently exhibit these six attributes—or foster them in yourself.
The extraordinary MGOs...
After 15+ years at Veritus helping non-profits increase their revenue from major gifts (meaning mid, major and planned giving) we’ve learned that the...
One of the advantages of being an outside consultant is that you can see things that those who are “in it” can’t, for one reason or another. It...
Sometime in the next several years, most major gift officers, like you, will leave your non-profit to work for someone else. In fact, today you and...