Stop Looking for More Major Donors! They’re Already in Your Donor Pipeline.

Stop Looking for More Major Donors! They’re Already in Your Donor Pipeline.

In my last blog post, I talked about the fact that today there is no excuse not to have a mid-level program. The results over the last several years have justified hiring a mid-level officer, putting together a caseload of 500-700 donors, and creating a 12-month...
Keep, Lift, Move: The Three Objectives of a Successful Mid-Level Program [Podcast Episode]

Keep, Lift, Move: The Three Objectives of a Successful Mid-Level Program [Podcast Episode]

More and more non-profits are discovering that a mid-level program is the key to a healthy donor pipeline. If you’re wondering where to find more major donors, the answer is almost always: look to your mid-level donors. But how do you know if your mid-level program is...