Your Mission Is More Than You Think It Is

Your Mission Is More Than You Think It Is

I read quite a few online news journals covering non-profits. Essentially, every week I’m reading stories about how donors are taken for granted, how organizations lament how much donor and value attrition is going on, how fundraisers are leaving every 13-18 months,...
Why Most Fundraising Is Ineffective

Why Most Fundraising Is Ineffective

If the main purpose of a non-profit is to address a societal problem, then it follows that securing the resources to address that problem is the other major objective. I talked about this in a blog I wrote earlier this year. But why does securing the resources...
How Internal Team Dynamics & Dysfunction Derail Fundraising

How Internal Team Dynamics & Dysfunction Derail Fundraising

There is no doubt we all prefer dealing with certain types of people and not dealing with other types. I have a clear profile in my mind right now, as I am writing this, as to the type I do not like dealing with. Stop for a second. Identify yours. There is no doubt...
A Great Frontline Fundraiser Won’t Work 9-5

A Great Frontline Fundraiser Won’t Work 9-5

One of the greatest lessons that Richard gave me as he mentored me over the years has been to manage by objectives (versus micromanaging a person by tasks, hours, et cetera). If you manage by objectives, you give your employee the freedom to do the work in a way that...